Time Zone Tool
Country Specific Information

"I have been impresssed by their professionalism, vison, and focus on delivering impartial advice, with high levels of customer service..."
- James Cooper
Did you Know?
As an insurance broker we are able to pick and choose the best insurance providers worldwide. Even better our insurance plans cost the exact same as if you were buying directly from the insurer.


We can provide a number of resources that will help you to better understand your international medical insurance plan. To help you learn about your plan we have provided information on:

  • Time Zone Tool
    A tool to determine the time in two countries. The tool will compare the time over a 24 hour period so you can determine when it would be appropriate to call. The tool also provides phone codes for each country.

  • Brochures
    A set of forms about some of the medical insurance plans we offer.

  • Key terms and definitions
    The language of an international medical insurance plan can be confusing. To help you understand exactly what various terms mean we have provided this guide for your reference.

  • Frequently Asked Questions
    We receive hundreds of questions about medical insurance every day. To help you understand your plan we have answered some of the most common questions here.

  • Testimonials
    We have included some feedback from our clients. To find out what people think of us please read our testimonials.

  • General Exclusions
    Many insurance plans will have a range of general exclusions. To find out what some of the more common exclusions are and how they may affect you, please click on the link above.

  • Insurance companies
    We work with some of the world's top insurance companies. We have provided outlines on some of the insurers that we work with here.

If you require any additional help or information about your international medical insurance plan, please do not hesitate to contact us.