Claims Handling
Claims Support
Bad Claims

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Claims Handling

At International Medical Insurance we have a dedicated claims team that will provide comprehensive support to any claims that you may make. When you need to make a claim simply submit a completed claims form to our support team and we will liaise with the insurance company to ensure that you are reimbursed in a timely manner.

There are two types of claims that a policyholder can make in regards to an international medical insurance plan:


In the event that you require in-patient treatment, it is advisable that you contact your insurance company as soon as possible. This allows the insurer to guarantee the treatment. In many cases if the insurance company is contacted far enough in advance they will be able to arrange a direct settlement with the hospital. If there is a direct settlement arrangement between the hospital and the insurance company, it is important to note that the policy is still responsible for any deductibles, co-payments, or limits that may be applicable. In the event of an emergency situation the policy holder should contact the insurance company as soon as possible.


Out-patient claims are normally paid for by the policyholder and then reimbursed by the insurance company at a later date. The reimbursement will take into account any deductibles or limits that the plan has. When receiving out-patient treatment it is important to keep all receipts and doctors notes, these should be sent to the insurer along with a completed claims form. Out-patient claims can be reimbursed in all major currencies and can be in the form of a cheque, money order, or credit card reimbursement.

The main reason for a policyholder to become dissatisfied with an insurance company is because of the claims process. We have identified the factors that can contributed to poor claims handling here. For more information about the way that international medical insurance companies handle claims, or to receive a free quote, please contact us.