Country Specific Information
China Medical Insurance
Hong Kong Medical Insurance
Singapore Medical Insurance
Thailand Medical Insurance
Saudi Arabia Medical Insurance
UAE Medical Insurance
Dubai Medical Insurance
Albania Medical Insurance
Algeria Medical Insurance
Australia Medical Insurance
Azerbaijan Medical Insurance
Belgium Medical Insurance
Denmark Medical Insurance
Japan Medical Insurance
Malaysia Medical Insurance
Mexico Medical Insurance
South Korea Medical Insurance
Taiwan Medical Insurance

"I have been impresssed by their professionalism, vison, and focus on delivering impartial advice, with high levels of customer service..."
- James Cooper
Did you Know?
As an insurance broker we are able to pick and choose the best insurance providers worldwide. Even better our insurance plans cost the exact same as if you were buying directly from the insurer.

International Medical Insurance around the world

International Medical Insurance is able to provide expatriate health insurance options to individuals, families, and groups residing in any country around the world. Locations in which we specialize in providing international medical insurance plans include:

Although, most international insurance companies have two major areas of cover: 'worldwide' and 'worldwide excluding North America', many give additional discounts based on an Expat's location. Some countries have medical facilities that cost considerably less than others, for that reason it is very important to always mention the intended country of residence.

Different companies might have different ideas of how much to charge for insurance, therefore it is useful to do extensive research before settling for a certain price, or find the most suitable insurance through insurance brokers.

Always remember to check with the insurance broker or a provider for a specific list of hospitals in the area of interest. Some insurance companies will only deal with certain hospitals, while others do not have such limitations.

Free International Medical Insurance Quote

For more information about the international medical insurance options in the above countries, or to receive a free comprehensive quote, please fill in the short form on the right hand side of this page. Alternatively you can also Contact Us to speak to an expert advisor about your expatriate medical insurance options.